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We are an Arizona charity that supports the organ transplant community through organ donation and transplantation advocacy.

We engage our community through event participation and educational activities to support our mission.

Help support us by volunteering, giving a tax deductible donation, becoming an organ donor, or spreading the word about us.

Register with us and we can help you on your transplant journey!

Our Stories

‘Courage for today, hope for tomorrow’…

Sharon Thomas was living the ideal life. She had a loving husband, two beautiful daughters, and dreams that stretched like the Arizona horizon. But then came the headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath. The diagnosis was Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (PPH)—a genetic disease that causes hardening of the small muscles and cells within the lungs. Sharons’ sister had passed away from this disease around 1984. Her only lifeline was a heart and double-lung transplant. However, in 1987, such procedures were rare, almost mythical. The insurance deemed a transplant of this magnitude as “experimental.” Sharon juggled motherhood, health, and a battle for survival. They had to fundraise [...]

April 1, 2024|1 Comment

Transplant Games 2024

The games are about 3 months away, and with the approaching competition and festivities comes more details and planning. Below is some of the latest information. GAMES REGISTRATION Early registration is over. Regular Registration - March 15 – May 3 - $180 for Competitors and $50 for Non-Competitors Late Registration – May 4 – June 5—$200 for Competitors and $75 for Non-Competitors TEAM GEAR Order form for Team gear is available at https://form.jotform.com/220968112286054. If you have not submitted your form, please do so ASAP, so we can get everyth8ing ordered in time. GAMES PARTNERS Check out Transplant Team Arizona Group page on Facebook - [...]

April 1, 2024|0 Comments

Volunteer Appreciation Week

TCA Volunteers To all the incredible TCA volunteers who dedicated their time and energy. From organizing events to lending a helping hand, you’ve exemplified the true spirit of volunteerism. Thank you for being the backbone of our cause, for your boundless enthusiasm, and for embodying the essence of compassion. Your kindness has touched hearts, and your impact resonates far beyond the days you volunteered. We look forward to more collaborations, more shared smiles, and more positive change as we continue this journey together.

April 1, 2024|0 Comments


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