The Living Assistance Fund is designed to provide financial aid to organ transplant recipients to help reduce their stress during the difficult medical procedures of transplantation and the healing process. We do this by paying for basic living necessities like housing, medication and transportation to the hospital.

Our Living Assistance Fund offers financial support to transplant patients who either live in Arizona or who were transplanted in Arizona for the following expenses:

  • Prescription medication copay
  • Transportation to treatment facility
  • Basic housing needs including rent or mortgage payment
  • Utilities such as electricity, gas, phone

For more information, please contact our office, 602-277-2661 or email us at

“Thank you SO very much for helping this patient and her family! It will be very much appreciated by them, and it is certainly appreciated by Mayo. Thank you for all you do!!”

Lynne, Mayo Clinic 2017

“This donation is made on behalf of the help I received from the entire Transplant Team at the transplant center and Transplant Alliance Community. TCA assisted me with Rent payments during my transplant. And it was all very, very helpful. My hope is that others needing rental assistance are helped with a portion of my donation. Thank you all so much! I am truly thankful, grateful beyond words.”

Morrill Beckman, kidney recipient